The theme chosen for the scientific research entitled â??Addressing intellectual capital in the\ncontext of integrated strategy and performance: emphasizing the role of companiesâ?? unique\nvalue creation mechanism, while targeting better organizational reporting in Romania â?? the\ncase of green marketing and green marketing strategiesâ? tackles the subject of intellectual\ncapital in the context of integrated strategy and performance, having the purpose of\nemphasizing the role of companiesâ?? unique value creation mechanism, while targeting better\norganizational reporting in Romania, with a case study on green marketing and green marketing\nstrategies. It should be stated that this studyâ??s structure follows a specific pattern, namely: (a.)\nthe introduction section, in which the main elements specific to this paper are stated, as well as\nthe motivation for the present analysis; (b.) the literature review section, in which the specific\naspects related to intellectual capital, green intellectual capital, tangible assets, intangible assets,\naccounting value, investments, effectiveness, efficiency, performance, green performance,\nexcellence, competitive advantage, competitiveness, new economy, economic and financial\ndecline, organizational production processes, and knowledge-based society, green marketing,\ngreen marketing strategy are taken into consideration and thoroughly discussed; (c.) the\nanalysis of the necessity of the existence of a strong relationship between â??harmonious\ndevelopmentâ? and â??sustainable developmentâ? - a desideratum of the present age; (d.) the\nanalysis of traditional versus intelligent enterprises, which tackles intellectual capital, extended\nperformance, growth opportunities and growth expectations â?? the process of value-creation in\nRomania; (e.) the analysis of a social-ecological-environmental interface and model, with a key\ninterest in obtaining performance by combining intellectual capital with natural capital,\nreaching excellence by making use of green marketing strategies; (f.) the analysis of human,\norganizational and relational capital, which highlights the key intellectual capital categories\nenhancing performance and generating competitive advantage â?? Romanian organizationsâ?? value\ncreation, focusing, in the same time on the circular economy in Romania: perspectives and\nchallenges; (g.) the analysis of good practice example: â??Cris-timâ? - a Romanian family owned\ncompany; (h.) the results and discussions which stresses the key findings of this work,\nconcentrating on Romanian sustainable businesses - opportunities and threats.